On March 19, 2020. Dr. Amorn Jiraseree-amornkun, Principal Research Engineer, with a delegation from Silicon Craft Technology PLC. “SIC” and PETROMAT, visited the National Blood Center at the Thai Red Cross Society.
In this visit, Mr. Teera Witthayawiwat, Head of Blood Distribution, welcomed and shared the technical information to us for developing the microchip for blood temperature sensing. In the blood logistics process, we have to control the quality of the blood and make it ready-to-use when it arrives at the National Blood Center around Thailand. After this, they will distribute to the hospitals in their region. We noted that the blood has some basic elements such as red blood cell and platelet that we need to concern to develop the temperature sensing system on this blood logistics and distribution for maintaining the quality of the blood to be best in use for all Thai people.