Author - Administrator SIC

Multiplexed biosensor platform for point-of-care: COVID-19 monitoring and therapeutic drug management.

Efficient management of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic heavily relies on high-throughput testing. While Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing, the gold standard, is very accurate, it may not be the practical choice for mass testing in areas with limited resources. While lateral...


Heavy Metal Detection in Water

Water pollution is a serious worldwide issue affecting various aspects of society, such as human/animal healthcare, the food chain, and the tourism industry; therefore, the improvement of water quality can encourage the economic growth of a nation and contribute significantly...


SIC 20th Anniversary Ceremony With Merit Making

On the 20th anniversary, Silicon Craft Technology Public Company Limited organized a merit-making ceremony. Offering food to the monks. Aiming to encourage the morale of the management and staff. Throughout the event, the atmosphere was filled with peace and warmth. SIC will...